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Natural Insomnia Cures - How to Beat Insomnia Without Herbs, Drugs Or Expensive Mattresses

When it comes to overcoming insomnia naturally, without using drugs or even potentially dangerous herbs, you're in good company.

Millions of insomniacs opt for alternative remedies to cure their sleeplessness every year. And many of them are successful.

In doing research on how to cure insomnia, I've encountered over 50 different remedies that people have reported success with. Some get more consistent results than others. And of course, each one will work better or worse depending on the person.

But the good news for you is that there are plenty to try. Here is a list and an explanation of the top 6 natural insomnia cures in random order.

1. Exercise - Peter Tanzer, MD, author of "The Doctor's Guide to Sleep without Pills" suggests that exercising a couple of hours before bedtime is particularly helpful for relaxing the body before sleep.

2. Music Therapy - Listening to relaxing music for 30 minutes before going to bed helped 95% of all patients in a recent clinical study.

3. Deep, Conscious Breathing - Breathing deeply into your belly serves to relax the body and the mind. This remedy is best done as you are lying down on your back just before sleeping.

4. Getting Enough Sunlight - Light, and sunlight in particular, are your best friends when it comes to relieving insomnia. That's because light regulates melatonin, a brain chemical that is responsible for controlling body temperature. When your body temperature follows normal rhythms of day and night, you are more likely to sleep well.

5. Hypnosis - Sleep therapies using hypnosis have a fairly high success rate because they work on the subconscious causes of insomnia such as stress, anxiety or fear.

6. Meditation - "Meditate instead of medicate" is one of the mantras of people who advocate this approach. Meditation works to slow your brain waves down, which promotes and enhances sleep.

And finally, there's one new cure for insomnia that is getting rave reviews. It's a revolutionary new insomnia relief program that has nothing to do with any of the previous remedies. It has a very high success rate. Click the highlighted text to get more details.


Dr Jayashree Joshi said...

I agree that Meditation helps in curing insomnia, and so does contolled breathing. It was interesting to learn that in cold climates, even sulight would help!

I live in the tropics, so excess sunlight is actually a deterrent to good sleep, for us!

Anonymous said...

Meditation is really very effective in curing insomnia. Setting silent, without any thought and observing breath is very helpful o cure this problem. answerstash

Unknown said...

I agree with all your points. These tips really helpful for curing insomina. Thanks for sharing this information.
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Skincare Specialist said...

Insomnia is one of those major problems which are taken most casually but the tips provided by you are great and the best thing about these tips is that these do not have any side effects.

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flirt said...

I have a friend that suffered from insomnia and got cured by hypnosis. He tried drugs, meditation, sport but the only thing that worked for him was this. He came to visit the specialist in the field doctor gedeon plaisir and after about 20 sessions he started to see the results. So don´t hesitate to try it, it is not bull-something, as one can think...